Stk'emlupsemc te Secwepemc Nation
Elk Valley Fording River

It’s time to clean up mining in B.C. Tell the government to reform its mining laws.

As British Columbians, we value nature, fresh water and healthy ecosystems. If our laws are strong enough, they can protect our water from pollution, ensure waste dumps do not put communities and watersheds at risk, and make sure mining companies pay to clean up their mess. Right now, they don’t.

The transition to a green energy economy will require some minerals and resources mined in B.C., but we have to do it right and responsibly. Take action now.

The B.C. government must reform and enforce its laws to:

Protect our communities and waters from toxic mine waste

The B.C. government must reduce the risks from mine waste dams to communities, watersheds, and salmon habitat by banning risky designs and putting safety first. The government must also prepare for the additional risks posed by climate change-related extreme weather.

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Modernize one of B.C.’s oldest laws

Mining claims must no longer be allowed to undermine land use planning, Indigenous rights, municipalities, environmental protection, and private property. B.C.’s mineral staking law must require Indigenous consent and meaningful public participation in the assessment of mining activities.

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Ensure mining companies pay to clean up the environmental damage they cause

The B.C. government’s interim reclamation security policy must be strengthened and codified in regulations. We also need an industry-pooled fund to pay for mining disasters, and cleanup when companies go bankrupt.

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B.C. Mines Tailings Map

This interactive map and associated report provide critical information about the risks posed to communities and watersheds by the 172 tailings facilities at mines across the province.

Putting mining reform on the agenda this election

An aerial image of trucks building the ridge of a tailings dam with light grey and beige sand. Dark green pine tree stands are in the top and bottom left corners and light blue water in the top right of the image.

Reflecting on Canada’s Updated “Critical Minerals” List: A Missed Opportunity 

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